
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Pinteresting Wednesday - Closets

Have you ever heard anyone say, "My closet is too big!"? 
I haven't either!

Today I am linking up with The Vintage Apple for the 6th week in a row for another Oh, How PINTERESTing Wednesday! 

My theme for this week  = CLOSETS

  Here are a few of my favorite closets from Pinterest.

I'll start with my absolute favorite!

Source: via Lauren on Pinterest

Give a girl the correct footwear...

Source: via Lauren on Pinterest

Never have I ever... 
Seriously, a two-story closet?
 This one is a little extreme even for me.

Source: via Brielle on Pinterest

An ironing board in the closet? Genius.

Source: via Debbie on Pinterest

I'm speechless.

This one has Martha Stewart written all over it! 


This last pin is not a closet, but I felt like it went with the theme and I just couldn't leave it out of the post.

Clearly no one actually uses these closets. If they did, they would never look this clean.


  1. omg love those pins girl :) i think i want every single one of the closest ;) cute blog too!

  2. I have to say the ironing board is genius!
    Ps. Shopaholic runner? Me too :)

  3. ok i have to ask you has anyone thought you look like brittany snow?? i saw your profile pic and i almost thought you were here.

    1. I've only heard it two or three times, but you just made my day!! Thank you! :)

  4. holy cow. holy cow. holy cow. my closet is about 5 feet (by 5 feet). oh what I wouldn't do to even be able to WALK in my closet. Love this!
