
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

PINTEREST Wednesday - Favorite Female Celebrities


Favorite Female Celebrities

For the third Wednesday in a row I am linking with The Vintage Apple for another Oh, How PINTERESTing Wednesday. This week I am choosing pins of my 3 Favorite Female Celebrities. 
Female Favorite #1 – Jennifer Aniston
I have a really hard time believing she is 43. At 27, she makes me feel like I have so much to look forward to in growing older!

Source: via Lauren on Pinterest

I can’t tell you how many times I have taken a picture of her to a haircut appointment to request her hair.

Female Favorite #2 –  Kate Middleton
I love her classy style. She truly is a fashion icon.

Source: via Lauren on Pinterest

Female Favorite #3 – Guiliana Rancic
I rush home during the week to see E! News. Allise and I had the opportunity to meet Guiliana in Birmingham a year and a half ago and she was unbelievably nice!!

 She is beautiful on the inside and out and has already beat cancer! 



  1. I loooove Jennifer Aniston. She is just too hot for her own good :)

  2. Love all 3 of those female celebrities! I can't believe you and Allise got to meet Guiliana Rancic!

  3. All very classy, very beautiful women.

  4. I am so jealous that you had the chance to meet Guiliana! She is one of my all time favorite people!

    I found your blog via the link up! Stop by mine if you would like :)

    xoxo, Jenna
